Legal Notice


This website is for informational purposes only. It may be considered “advertising” for purposes of Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:07.

Attorney-Client Relationship

The contents of this website are for informational and advertising purposes only. Do not rely upon this website for legal advice, because material on this website may not apply to you or may be outdated. You should not rely upon any legal advice on this website without first seeking the advice of an attorney who is competent to practice law in your jurisdiction.

No communication received or sent via this website creates an attorney-client relationship between you and Mountain, Dearborn & Whiting LLP. Communications sent to Mountain, Dearborn & Whiting LLP will not be subject to the attorney-client privilege and may not be confidential. Please do not send any legal questions via email, as such communications may not allow us to assess fully your circumstances and might be illegally intercepted.


The activities of this website are not intended to constitute activity in any foreign jurisdiction or to constitute the solicitation of business from out-of-state residents.

Please note that lawyers at Mountain, Dearborn & Whiting LLP may not be licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.